Why GriefShine was born

Why GriefShine was born


First of all, I am sorry you are here. It means someone you love or you yourself are going through something I would never wish upon anyone. However, I am glad you stumbled across my page and have found me! Let's be #griefbesties. 

My Dad died in a ski accident in 2017- it was tragic and sudden and nothing prepares you for grief like that. Before loosing my dad I was often compared to "sunshine" , "light" "happiness" and afterwards I felt like my light had been taken away from me. I yearned to have it again. I was sad. Not just sad, but dark inside and outside. It took time for me to get it back. In 2020 (on the 3rd anniversary of my Dads passing) @griefshine was born. I wanted a way to share that even though I was happy and smiling there was still a huge part of me that grieved for the life I used to have. A life I will never get with my Dad. I am here to be your friend, someon that gets you. To shed light and goodness despite the darkness. Giving love through these little grief boxes. To help those who need it most, when we don't know what they need. I'm here to help with that. 



aka @griefshine 

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